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Example of services provided


Challenges: Contractual reliability of a French and international supply chain.

Our mission: Identification of critical legal, contractual and operational issues, drafting of Key Business Terms and standalone contracts, in-house training and negotiations 

Train à grande vitesse


Challenges: Low attractiveness of the company to insurers / need to secure the plants to preserve the company's activity.

Our mission: Identification of blocking factors and  implementation of an organisation with procedures for the management of the insurers ‘recommendations and the control of the risks.

Avion et tapis rouge

Creation of factories

Challenges: Creation of factories in France and abroad.

Our mission: Creation of a local legal entity, drafting of the builder statement of work (risk prevention and legal aspects), negotiation of the construction contract with the builder.

Les techniciens au travail

Acquisition of companies

Challenges: Acquisitions of companies in Europe and North America.

Our mission: Conduct an audit of the target company's commercial contracts and insurance programme, identification of post-acquisition investments for the prevention of industrial risks, negotiation of the Acquisition Contract (SPA) and the Temporary Service Agreement (TSA), monitoring of suspensive conditions until the closing date.

Les données sur une tablette tactile

Space purchase contract

Challenges: Drafting in English of a new contract for the purchase of systems to manufacture an observation satellite.

Our mission: Identification of certain specificities of space, structure of the contract, drafting or adaptation of the clauses to include in the contract, harmonization of terminologies, management of the interfaces of the clauses between them, analysis of the draft contract with the client, subsequent adaptation.

Au-dessus de la Terre

Intellectual Property

Mission: Implementation of the Trade secret protection.

Our mission: Mapping of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) to be protected, action plan, strengthening of existing contracts, drafting of procedures and implementation of internal processes. 



Distribution of automotive parts

Mission: Limiting equipment price increases through the resale of a component by the prime contractor to the equipment manufacturer at a price lower than the original purchase price.

Our mission: Analysis of the French and EU regulations regarding the conditions for reselling at a lower price, drafting memo with conclusions discussed with client.

Commandes au volant
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